My Kenwood TS-520, which I purchased in 1975 and is 50 years old this...
HF Operating
I wrote before about some issues with my FTDX-101D ( Though grounding may or...
Earlier today I worked V73WE (Marshall Islands) on 15 meter FT8. It was my...
There have been a couple of DXpeditions the last few weeks that have been...
This past weekend I took part in the ARRL International DX CW Contest. I...
Several weeks ago, I ordered a new HF amplifier. I have had an Ameritron...
Without a lot of operating time, it has been a good month for DX,...
In order to complete my Drake novice station, I had been looking for a...
In recent months, I have enjoyed working on some vintage ham radio gear. Three...
I did some operating in the ARRL DX Phone Contest this past March. A...
With a 40 meter dipole, a few crystals, my homebrew transmitter and a Hammarlund...
I finally had a chance to work on my antenna. I received a new...
The first IC-7610’s are arriving outside of JA land. Here is one being demonstrated...
I’m not sure how huge a bug this is, as people are successfully having...