Earlier today I worked V73WE (Marshall Islands) on 15 meter FT8. It was my 244th country or entity worked. This led to me recalling my first contact with Japan on November 30th, 1974. At that time I was 18 years old, a ham for 3 years, and still living at home with my parents, operating with my old call, WA2CRR.
My transmitter was a Heathkit DX-60B and my receiver was still my Hammarlund HQ-110. I believe my antenna was a Hy-Gain 14AVQ trap vertical.
At that time I was in my first semester at MCC taking Electronics Technology. I had purchased a Heathkit HW-101B, one year before, I think. For some reason I was using my DX-60B, at least that is what I remember. The mode was CW. JA8BVT was his callsign, Tohru was his name. We both gave each other 579 RST.
At that time I had worked, maybe 20 or 30 countries. But this was my first Asia and I was thrilled. I remember going downstairs where my parents were watching TV and telling them I had talked to Japan!
That callsign is no longer active. I’m not sure if he is still alive. We didn’t exchange QSLs. Since then I have worked dozens or maybe hundreds of Japanese stations. Many have been about the same time of day and year. Just after dark in the late fall. I even worked one once while mobile on Holt Road near Webster Park.
But that QSO will always be one of my most memorable.