I have had a bunch of things going on the last couple of months,...
No pressing business and no presentation is scheduled, so we are taking October off....
I previously have mentioned the Eico VFO that I picked up at the AWA...
I received the new electrolytic capacitors from Hayseed Hamfest and replaced them successfully. The...
Our friends at RARA are offering ham radio license classes again. Here is the...
Virtual Com Port Failures on Yaesu FTDX-101 Update Feb 2024 Everything in the original...
In order to complete my Drake novice station, I had been looking for a...
We will kick off our 2023 Fall Season on Thursday September 14th, 7PM at...
Since our last event was Field Day, let’s have an informal XARC summerpicnic. Nothing...
Some progress made on the 2-C. Got it pretty well cleaned up. The front...
My Drake 2-C has only 5 tubes, and I don’t have a tube tester....
In recent months, I have enjoyed working on some vintage ham radio gear. Three...
Many things in life take precedence over ham radio. But I’m not sure how...
I did some operating in the ARRL DX Phone Contest this past March. A...
You probably thought that I bought a fancy Begali paddle. Actually, what I got...
This is interesting, though somewhat weird Army film on Morse Code.
A new shack photo from Ned with his Elecraft KPA500 Amp, SP3 Speaker, KAT500...
I didn’t get a whole lot of response from my shack photo request, so...
Many older hams were forced to learn CW as a requirement to be licensed....
This is about the days when 2 meter FM started to take hold. It...
From KF2MR, N2JAC and K2AS
Field Day 2023 is in the books. A quick thanks to Bob Karz K2OID,...
While recalling my Novice days in the 1970s for the 3 part post recently...
A while back, I was working on one of my old radios, and came...
Author: Bob Karz K2OID The ARRL Field Day this year is June 24th and...
Unfortunately, I have been unable to locate accurate information regarding exact events and dates....
This is somewhat covered on our History page, but with Field Day coming up,...
In 1982, my parents put their house up for sale. It was on North...
With a 40 meter dipole, a few crystals, my homebrew transmitter and a Hammarlund...
Something I had been wanting to look for this hamfest season was an old...