My Kenwood TS-520, which I purchased in 1975 and is 50 years old this...
About vintage Ham radio Equipment
I previously have mentioned the Eico VFO that I picked up at the AWA...
I received the new electrolytic capacitors from Hayseed Hamfest and replaced them successfully. The...
In order to complete my Drake novice station, I had been looking for a...
Some progress made on the 2-C. Got it pretty well cleaned up. The front...
In recent months, I have enjoyed working on some vintage ham radio gear. Three...
This is interesting, though somewhat weird Army film on Morse Code.
Many older hams were forced to learn CW as a requirement to be licensed....
This is about the days when 2 meter FM started to take hold. It...
While recalling my Novice days in the 1970s for the 3 part post recently...
A while back, I was working on one of my old radios, and came...
Something I had been wanting to look for this hamfest season was an old...
A month or two ago, I posted about researching my callsign. I was going...
So, early in 1971, I was a freshman in high school. My school had...
I attended the AWA Spring 2023 Swapmeet today. I wasn’t looking for anything in...
I had been thinking about my days as a new ham in 1971. Just...
After I got the HQ-110 going, I did some decluttering on my shack and...
I finally got my HQ-110 aligned, so I swapped some cables around, got my...
(This is an update from my Nov. 30, 2022 post) I have been working...
When I was young, my Dad built several Heathkit projects; a stereo amplifier, stereo...
If you haven’t seen this yet, an interesting presentation on radio monitoring activities and...
I have an Hammarlund HQ-100 I bought several hamfests ago. It is identical to...
I bought this Hammarlund HQ-145-X on eBay. I paid a little more than I...