Saddened to learn that long time member John Randall is a silent key. He...
I have been experiencing intermittent internet outages at my QTH the last several weeks....
This is a little project I have been working on for fun. I had...
We only had 3 people show up in person, plus one joined late on...
Since we had few attendees at our February meeting, this has been rescheduled for...
I added this to our calendar, but wanted to highlight it here as well....
I have added PDFs of the slides, and audio of Jarred’s presentation on VHF...
At our December meeting (See Events), Jared KF2MR will be giving a presentation on...
No pressing business and no presentation is scheduled, so we are taking October off....
Our friends at RARA are offering ham radio license classes again. Here is the...
We will kick off our 2023 Fall Season on Thursday September 14th, 7PM at...
Since our last event was Field Day, let’s have an informal XARC summerpicnic. Nothing...
For now, at least. Participation at Fox Hunts has dwindled in recent years. In...
Our March XARC Meeting will be 7PM Thursday March 9, at the Webster Recreation...
Thanks to all who attended. It was a small group, but we went right...
Come join XARC at Field Day. We will begin setup on Friday June 25th...
The XRX Amateur Radio Club 2022 spring Fox Hunt is this Saturday, May 14....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (April 14) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (March 10) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (February 10) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (January 13) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (June 10) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (May 13) at 8:00PM....
The XRX Amateur Radio Club spring 2021 Fox Hunt is this Saturday, May 8,...
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (April 8) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (Mar. 11) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (Feb. 11) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (Jan. 14) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (Dec. 10) at 8:00PM....
All:The following individuals have been nominated for various board positions. Elections will be held...