My Kenwood TS-520, which I purchased in 1975 and is 50 years old this...
I wrote before about some issues with my FTDX-101D ( Though grounding may or...
It has been a few weeks since I posted on my RFI issues. I...
I came across this video about Oscar 7. It is quite interesting, including the...
This is a little project I have been working on for fun. I had...
I have had Yaesu System Fusion radios since 2015, along with switching our club...
I previously have mentioned the Eico VFO that I picked up at the AWA...
I received the new electrolytic capacitors from Hayseed Hamfest and replaced them successfully. The...
Virtual Com Port Failures on Yaesu FTDX-101 Update Feb 2024 Everything in the original...
Some progress made on the 2-C. Got it pretty well cleaned up. The front...
I have an Hammarlund HQ-100 I bought several hamfests ago. It is identical to...
Possibly in the 90s you saw the British TV show called “The Secret Life...
I found this very well done and informative.
The Kenwood TS-890 is now for sale. Here is a recent YouTube video by...
A YouTube Channel I watch regularly. This is a good example of one of...
Here are some of my favorite channels: Mr. Carlson’s Lab Mr. Carlson is VE7ZWZ....
Who knew there was so much to know about solder?
I’m not sure how huge a bug this is, as people are successfully having...
This looks interesting. 2m, 220, and 440 capability. Arduino Based Transceiver
I’ve had a personal weather station running at my QTH for about 6 years....