Author: Bob Karz K2OID
The ARRL Field Day this year is June 24th and 25th. The XRX and Monroe
County ARES clubs will be participating from Kent Park in Webster. Everyone is
If you’re a new ham wanting to try out contesting, if you’re an experienced operator looking to join a Field Day group, or if you’re not yet licensed and simply
curious about Field Day, contact FD Chair Bob Karz, K2OID
([email protected]) and join the fun.
Field Day is by far the largest amateur radio event of the year. Last year 27,000
hams throughout the US and Canada took part along with a handful of DX stations. While nominally a civil defense preparedness exercise, it is also a contest, an educational opportunity, and for some a 24-hour party.
To simulate emergency conditions most field day operations use generators or
batteries for power and temporary antennas often set up in fields or parks.
Our Field Day has something for everyone. Last year we had over forty hams
and even some non-hams participate. Some helped with set up. Some ran the
“get on the air” (GOTA) station reserved for new or inactive hams. Some ran
the VHF station. Some ran the computer logging network. Some operated the
digital station. Some operated CW exclusively. Some operated SSB exclusively. You get the idea.
The Field Day exercise runs from 2:00 PM EDT Saturday, June 24th to 2:00 PM
EDT Sunday, June 25th with antenna setup on Friday June 23rd and equipment
setup on Saturday morning. Disassembly starts at 2:00 PM Sunday and will be
complete by 4:00 PM. Participants need not be present the entire Field Day
period. Indeed, most of us are not there the whole time.
Our Field Day location will be at the lower soccer fields in Kent Park, 1700
Schlegel Road in Webster. Our Field Day is completely free. We hope you will
join us.

You can find more information about Field Day at:
A “field day” like no other | webster on the web (a few minor errors but is a
great description of our Field Day from a lay perspective)
ARRL Field Day 2022: W2XRX – Rochester, New York || Special Club Edit
for XRX Amateur Radio Club – YouTube (Video by Don Vallone, KD2REU of
our 2022 FD)
W2XRX Field Day 2021 – Google Photos (Photos by Don Vallone, KD2REU of
our 2021 FD)
June 2023 QST Field Day 2023 Guide pg. 65 (special section)