Thanks to all who attended our December meeting. Also thanks to Bob K2OID for...
My FTDX-101D went into Yaesu USA service in California for some relatively minor repairs...
I have an Hammarlund HQ-100 I bought several hamfests ago. It is identical to...
I’m in the process of putting up a new antenna. I have used a...
I ran across this video recently. Worth a watch if you’ve suffered from this...
Thanks to all who attended. It was a small group, but we went right...
Here is a recording of the Foxhunting presentation made by W2NED for the XARC...
To download a PDF, click download icon in the menu bar just below (3rd...
This is a good resource.
Don Vallone, KD2REU has created a couple of new videos from our Spring 2022...
Here is a video from Don KD2REU
Checkout some Field Day photos from myself, Jarred Jackson, Jon Dickason, Don Vallone, and...
Come join XARC at Field Day. We will begin setup on Friday June 25th...
The XRX Amateur Radio Club 2022 spring Fox Hunt is this Saturday, May 14....
Access the video via this link:
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (April 14) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (March 10) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (February 10) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (January 13) at 8:00PM....
Thanks to Don, KD2REU for these excellent videos from this years Field Day. You...
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (June 10) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (May 13) at 8:00PM....
The XRX Amateur Radio Club spring 2021 Fox Hunt is this Saturday, May 8,...
Possibly in the 90s you saw the British TV show called “The Secret Life...
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (April 8) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (Mar. 11) at 8:00PM....
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (Feb. 11) at 8:00PM....
I found this very well done and informative.
All: We will be hosting a Zoom meeting this Thursday (Jan. 14) at 8:00PM....