My Kenwood TS-520, which I purchased in 1975 and is 50 years old this...
I wrote before about some issues with my FTDX-101D ( Though grounding may or...
Since MFJ has significantly reduced their business, I have had two issues with MFJ...
I have an MFJ-986 Antenna Tuner, and a few months ago I wired up...
It was that time of year again. After last years effort and actually submitting...
Several weeks ago, I ordered a new HF amplifier. I have had an Ameritron...
I previously have mentioned the Eico VFO that I picked up at the AWA...
I received the new electrolytic capacitors from Hayseed Hamfest and replaced them successfully. The...
Virtual Com Port Failures on Yaesu FTDX-101 Update Feb 2024 Everything in the original...
My Drake 2-C has only 5 tubes, and I don’t have a tube tester....
In recent months, I have enjoyed working on some vintage ham radio gear. Three...
You probably thought that I bought a fancy Begali paddle. Actually, what I got...
I finally had a chance to work on my antenna. I received a new...
I purchased DX Commander Classic 40 thru 10 (can work on 6 and 2...
When I was young, my Dad built several Heathkit projects; a stereo amplifier, stereo...
I’m in the process of putting up a new antenna. I have used a...
There was a problem with the original recording, so they recreated the presentation here....
New solderless/crimpless butt connectors
Another option for Fusion will be available soon. The FTM-7250 looks like the single...
The first IC-7610’s are arriving outside of JA land. Here is one being demonstrated...
GigaParts was the first with this online – FT-70DR Dual-Band HT with Fusion...
More info at: