As you might have heard, we have made a decision to buy as Yaesu...
We attempted a work party at the new repeater site, but the weather didn’t...
Over the years, the XARC has been known for several things: Foxhunts, Field Day,...
If anyone is good at graphic design, we could really use a club logo....
Thanks to everyone who attended last nights meeting. We had a good turnout, and...
[xarc] Rochester mini maker faire… is Saturday November 22nd at the riverside convention center....
If you didn’t see it, there is a short article about XARC in the...
I picked up the club archives from Mike Ishler yesterday. There is some good...
Though the club has operated Field Day every year since 1986, our first Field...
Unfortunately, we aren’t fully automated, at least yet, so even if you indicate you...
To associate a photo with your profile/user name, login to the website. Mouse-over the...
The XARC Fall Fox Hunt is planned for Saturday, October 11, 2014. We are...
After a couple of years of informal club operation, that still included some operational...