There have been a couple of DXpeditions the last few weeks that have been using Super Fox mode in WSJT-X. SuperFox mode is a new feature being tested in Release Candidate 2.7.0-rc6. It enables the “fox” station to transmit as many as 9 signals with no signal strength penalty.
I installed it a couple weeks ago, to tried and contact a Dxpedition that I don’t recall (I was unsuccessful). So I went back to the current release. Then I read about N5J (Jarvis Island) and saw them in recent DX spots. I looked at their website, and they are running Super Fox mode.
So I installed the Release Candidate again. They were on 17 meters working FT8 on 18.095, just after 0000UTC on Aug. 7. I could see stations calling them, but could not copy N5J. Then after an hour or two, I started to copy their signals. So I fired up the amplifier and started calling. After a few minutes. I got a response. They were about -11 dB and they gave me a report of -5dB! So it looked good, but I have been here before. They did not respond with a RR73, but kept giving me a report. As per usual, I tried 3 times, but they did not copy, and moved on. Bummer. I don’t know if someone started transmitting on my frequency and they did not copy me or what.
I waited a bit and began calling again. They were anywhere from -12dB to -6 dB, but some transmissions were not copied at all, which was weird. I called off and on for an hour +, with no response. They were making QSOs, just not with me.
I heard them on 15 meter CW, but very weak. FT8 is likely my best chance. The good news is it was their first day, and they should be on the air for almost two weeks.
I can’t say the Super Fox mode was an issue for me, it likely was just propagation and/or QRM. I will keep trying.
Here is a YouTube video with a description of what is going on. My call can be seen in there somewhere.