Since our last event was Field Day, let’s have an informal XARC summer
picnic. Nothing will be provided, so bring your own lunch, drinks,
chairs, etc.
Let’s plan on Wednesday August 16th, 12:30 PM at Ellison Park at the North
Landing Road Horse Shoe Parking lot.
We will pick a nice shady area. I don’t know if there are any picnic
tables there or not, and shelters are not cheap, so plan accordingly.
Maybe we can scrounge up a few folding tables (bring’em if you got em)
This will be very informal. Feel free to bring any show-and-tell items
and share any interesting ham radio activities this past couple of months.
We’ll play it by ear, so we can try 146.55 MHz as talk-in frequency, if
we are not close to parking lot and easily seen.