A month or two ago, I posted about researching my callsign. I was going through some old QSLs and found something interesting I thought I would add.
Sometime in 1999, Irv Goodman, AF2K contacted me. He told me that he knew a ham in Florida, whose callsign was W2AS. He said W2AS would like to contact me on the air, so Irv arranged a schedule. So on May 24, 1999, I had a SSB QSO on 20 meters with Bill Kennedy, W2AS. He was 94 years old at the time! He was originally from New York. We had a nice QSO, and we exchanged QSL cards.

So I have had this QSL on my wall for 24 years. Unfortunately, he passed a few years later. But today I happened to find in my stack of QSLs that are in a drawer, this copy of his 1923 QSL card. It was before they had W as a prefix, and his call was 2AS.

So I guess it kind of counts as another previous holder of the AS callsign. I completely forgot I had this until I found it today.