Here are some of my favorite channels:
Mr. Carlson is VE7ZWZ. He has an amazing shop full of test equipment. It seems like his videos are intended for a wide audience, so depending on your point of view, it may be too basic or too advanced. But most people will probably learn something.
Terry Dayton N6TLU specializes in tube equipment, either vintage guitar amplifiers or ham equipment. Good info on restoring and troubleshooting.
I’m s sorry I don’t know who this is. His videos are mostly repair of ham radio gear. He sounds German, or from that area of Europe. His English is very good. The videos are fairly slow paced but quite thorough. His explanations of his troubleshooting strategies is excellent.
A wide variety of topics. Repair, tutorials, test equipment. Some great stuff.
Another channel with a bunch of ham radio repair videos.
Not really any ham radio content, but vintage electronics stuff. Mostly guitar and audio tube amplifiers.
Lots of general electronics stuff for a hobbyist.
Was pleased to see my channel listed with such great YouTube content providers. Thank you very much!
The Radio Shop